Enantat 400
Dragon Pharma

Enantat 400

Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Substance: Testosterone Enanthate
Pack: 10 ml vial (400 mg/ml)

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Enantat 400 Detailed

Buy Enantat 400 by Dragon Pharma from Domestic-Steroids.com

Enantat 400 by Dragon Pharma is a popular injectable androgenic/anabolic steroid for bulking and strength.

Active substance of Enantat 400 is Testosterone enanthate and it comes in 10 ml vials with 400mg/ml strength.

Domestic-Steroids.Com is approved Dragon Pharma supplier. You can verify this on Dragon Pharma website.

Domestic-Steroids.com sells only original Dragon Pharma products, purchase it from USA Domestic Store.

If you are new to Dragon Pharma products and want to know more about this brand please open next link to read Dragon Pharma Reviews.

How to use Enantat 400?

Enantat 400 is used in bulking and strength steroids cycles as well as a first steroid cycle or in TRT for men over 50-60yo.

It is important:

  • to not go longer than 14 weeks steroid cycle (older you get harder to recover so cycle should be shorter)
  • to not go over 500mg/week dosage
  • to not use too many other steroids in the same time
  • drink lots of water, eat and rest/recover.

Typical Enanthate 400 cycle will look like this:


1-4 Dianabol(can be Turanabol) 30mg/day

1-10 Testosterone Enanthate 400mg/week

After cycle PCT with Clomid MUST be followed!

Clomid is used AFTER steroid cycle to help restore natural testosterone production thus keep as much as possible of the gains made during cycle.

Day 1 – Clomid 100mg
Day 2 - Clomid 100mg
Following 20 days – Clomid 50mg
*If needed you can take it for 5-7 days more at 25mg/day dosage.
TABS are taken with food.

I still have questions on how to use Dragon Pharma Enantat 400?

Feel free to contact us but write as much as possible information like what products you used, at which dosage for how long etc so we can offer better help. Follow next link for an individual consultation.

Domestic-Steroids.com have only original Dragon Pharma products, purchase it from USA Domestic Store. Buy Enantat 400 with active substance Testosterone Enanthate.

Related Links:

Dragon Pharma Enantat 400 Lab Test

Enantat 400 Lab Test


Enantat 400 Reviews
Nov 3, 2021 (03:24)

I ordered 6 vial of Deca 300 and 3 vials of Cypionat 250 from Dragon Pharma. I ran 500mg of test and 600mg deca each week, for 15 weeks. I had decent results. I did notice a great amount of joint relief. If I had run the test at 750 a week or even 1000 I probably would have seen more noticeable effects. All Im not disappointed in Dragon product and may order from them again after PCT.

Oct 19, 2021 (05:13)

I placed an order with DP Enantate 400 and anavar. I received a quick answer in 6 h, this team are very kind, it is pleasant to speak with such support. I get information even if I didn't need it. Order got it in 7 days. guys keep going

Sep 20, 2021 (03:12)

Enanthate 400 by dragon reviews, I'm a powerlifter I started injecting all my weekly dosage of about 700mg. I get really strong on test cycles, I used many time dragon pharma this is for sure one stop brands :)

Sep 12, 2021 (02:48)

First time when I use this item from dragon pharma. As I expect libido was great, test e had me really strong. I'm dragon pharma fans especially enantat 250, so my reviews are always about dragon products. Before this test e I was running someone else's enanthate from Kalpa, no different, both good quality.

Please log in to write Enantat 400 review.

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